Royal Honey VIP
Operating for a couple of decades, Biotivity is a reputable
MALAYSIAN company whose products have been widely acclaimed
by customers. Our researchers are always thirsty for introducing
state of the art physiotherapy solutions and upgrading product quality
to world class standards. Our company is committed to providing
the best services to its customers by maintaining constant
communication with them, surveying their opinions and suggestions
, and bringing advanced solutions of high quality and excellent
effectiveness to ensure a healthy life.
Throughout its history, Medivitalfarm has made remarkable
achievements, presenting creative natural products
for the treatment of multiple health problems .
Based on the studies and researches conducted in cooperation
with our partners in Med health centre of germany ,
our company has started to introduce a new natural
product for customers who are concerned with their health and well being .
So Royal Honey VIP is here for you ,a mixture of excellent natural treatments with rare and very effective extracts that help with many diseases, primarily hypertension, high cholestrol , accumulated fats, arthritis, constipation, colitis, urinary tract infections, women diseases, and erectile dysfunction.
Within our attempts to develop our Royal Honey for Him brand ,our company has been keen to get the best wild honey extracted traditionally from specific types of wils flowers with no artificial additives. The product also contains the purest types of the rare tongat ali seeds which are more than 50 years old and which can be found only in the most precious and reliable type of ginseng, is used, as it is abundant with free compounds which are effective for the treatment of many diseases.
Based on many experiments and researches made for several years, Royal Honey VIP is introduced with the most natural extracts. Our product has been proven to be helpful in treating a myriad of health problems and eliminating their causes and symptoms . Rare ingredients are added to the product , in a professional scientific technique , to address the most common health complaints. We have managed to gain trust of our customers, thanks to outstanding potential results.
It is well known that key global companies have their own brands. Similarly,our Roya lHoney for him is widely acclaimed and trusted both by our company and customers . Having been enhaced with rare extracts and substances which provide the most advanced solutions in physiotherapy, the therapeutic value of the product has greatly doubled as it treats a wide range of illnesses. therefore, Royal Honey VIP is, by all means the perfect natural solution to be appreciated by those who realize that health is priceless.
Based on the experiments made in our
company`s labs and, on different
categories of patients, including those
suffering from sexual disorders
hypertension, high cholestrol, joint pain,
and accumulated fats, and on women
with some womn diseases; lab and
applied results show that the product has
been proven to be efficient in treating the following cases :
* Burns excess fat
* Enhances the functioning of capillaries in the intestinal walls
* Detoxifies the body and flushes out accumulated wasre and putrefaction
caused by poor absorption of food
* Regulates stomach secretions and prevents intestinal ulcer
* Removes accumulated fat, especialy in the abdomen, hips , and thoghs
* Helps the body have a smart figure, and revitalizes the body
* Removes the precipitations in the arterial walls and supports blood circulation
Rheumatoid & Arthritis
* Treats arthritis and cartilage calcification
* Restores sebum and ensures smooth movement
* Treats and prevents pstoprosis and gout
* Treats rheumatoid, as well as joint and muscle pain
* Controls the level of blood in urine to restore the body vitality and vigor
Erectile dysfunction ( ED )
* Supports sexual excitement, especially at old age
* Is helpful for poor erection and promotes sexual satisfaction
* Prolonge intercourse and slows down quick ejaculation
* Is effective for poor ejaculation of immature sperms
* Promotes fertility and enhances the quality and number of sperms
* Prevents fatigue, strengthens the body, and enhances blood circulation
* Is rich in proteins, amino acid, and vitamins
* Promotes the memory, as well as mental and intellectual activity
* Reduces hypertension and controls heart rate
* Revializes the heart and improves the energy and speed of contraction
* Supplies the cardiac muscle with oxygen and energy
* Prevents angina pectoris
High Cholestrol
* Reduce fat and high blood colestrol
* Stimulates the elemination of fat from arterial walls
* Reduces bad cholestrol and increases good cholestrol
* Is very effective in dissolving fatty precipitations on arterial walls
Colitis & Constipation
* Strengthens intestnal capillaries responsible for the healthy absorption of blood
* Eases defecation, thus creating a comfortable sensation while preventing diarrhea
* Flushes out rotten waste and bacteria safely and securely
* Eliminates colitis and cleanes the colonic membrane
* Removes intestinal inpaction, intestinal gases, and bloating
* Regulates the secretions of the stomach and intestines to promote digestion
Urinary Tract Infection ( UTI)
* Is helpful for treatment and alleviaion of prostate enlargement
* Heals lower backacke resulting from inflammation
* Regulates urination and eases urine flow
* Kills the bacteria usually sticking to the external urinary meatus
* Helps the body flush out toxic waste through urine
* Cleans urinary tract walls from precipitations stimulating inflammations
* Breaks up kidney stones painlessly
Amenorrhoea & Gen
* Promotes Womens fertility and delays menopauses
* Regulates the menstrual cycle and reduces menstrual cramps
* Treats uterus fibrosis and enhances ovulation
* Supports womens immune systems and prevents bacterial infection
* Promotes womens sexual ability , especially after the age of 40
* Increases blood flow to the vagina and clitoris to stop sensitivity
* Reduces breast tenderness and at the same time enlarges breats
Contraindications :
Since the concentration of the active ingredient is very high it may negatively affect patients suffering from angina pectoris or having undergone an open heart surgery,diabetic and people above 65 . it is not recommended also for pregnant ad feeding women, and childrens
Usage For Women :
Add half a sachets ( 5 g ) to a glass of cold or hot water ( 200 ml ) very 5 days once after lunch or dinner. Keep the other half in the fridge till the following dosage
Usage for men :
Add one sachet ( 10 g ) to one glass of cold water ( 200 ml ), and consume every 5 days once, after lunch or dinner.
The contents of the sachetmay be administered every 5 days once without being added to water
Package :
Each packaging contains 12 sachets to be used for 60 days by men and 120 days by women. The prescribed dosage should be committe to.
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